World's No 1 Eco Friendly Cement Company

Building material for
a greener planet

Our low-carbon products are revolutionising the building material industry in India and setting benchmarks in sustainable construction around the world.

Against a production of 12 MT in FY 2023-24, we have emitted 45% less CO2 as compared to India’s average and 41% less CO2 as compared to the global average.

The global average in CO2 emissions is 580 kg and for India is 530 kg while at JSW Cement, the average stands at ~241 kg CO2/tonne of cementitious material.

GHG verification statement

Concreel HD

325 kgs of CO2 is emitted on the production of 1 tonne of
Concreel HD against an Indian average of 560 Kgs.

JSW Cement - Concreel HD
JSW Cement - 1 tonne of Concreel HD produced

This comparison is 1 tonne of Concreel HD produced
against 1 tonne of Ordinary Portland Cement

Portland Slag Cement

300 Kgs of CO2 is emitted on the production of 1 tonne of JSW
PSC against an Indian average of 560 Kgs

JSW Cement - Portland Slag Cement
JSW Cement - low-carbon-pro

This comparison is 1 tonne of Slag Cement produced
against 1 tonne of Ordinary Portland Cement

Production of cement and GGBS

From FY 2013-14 to FY 2023-24 (duration of eleven years), our production has increased from 2.2 to 12.1 MT of cement & GGBS.

JSW Cement - Production of cement and GGBS

Carbon footprint

In the same period, the carbon intensity has been reduced substantially from 522 kg CO2 per tonne of cementitious material to 216 kg CO2 per tonne of cementitious material for Scope-1 emissions and from 596 kg CO2 to 262 kg CO2 per tonne of cementitious material for Scope 1+2 emissions. Cumulative annual reduction rate/decarbonisation rate of carbon intensity over eight years is 11%.

JSW Cement - Carbon footprint
Comparing our low-carbon
solutions to global standards
JSW Cement - green-planet

As per the GCCA GNR 2019 data, the average Sp. Net CO2 emissions is 608 kg CO2/tonne of cementitious material for the world and for India it is 560 kg CO2/tonne of Cementitious Material. At JSW Cement, we are powered by sustainable initiatives and a green product mix, bringing our Sp. Net CO2 emissions to 216 kg CO2/tonne of cementitious material during FY 2020-21 and our Sp. CO2 emissions are ~1/3 of the world average and ~38% of India average.


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